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Granite stairs: advantages and features of the choice

Granite stairs have a spectacular appearance, are reliable in operation, and are durable. https://www.budgran.com.ua/services/granitni-shody/

As a building and finishing material, granite is famous for its strength and ability to withstand heavy loads. Stairs made of this material look harmonious in the interior of any style. Depending on the configuration of the room and its design, granite stairs can be of a strict straight shape or a graceful curved shape. Depending on the installation technology, there are solid and overhead step structures.

Budgran has been manufacturing granite stairs for over 20 years, providing its customers with high quality and reliability. You can always consult and order stairs at https://www.budgran.com.ua/kontakty/ or by calling +38 067 504 54 77.

Advantages of granite steps

The main quality of granite that makes it stand out from other materials is its high strength. Stairs made of it serve reliably for decades and can withstand any load. In addition, granite stairs have a number of advantages:

  • stability – granite does not react with chemicals and is therefore very durable;
  • hygiene – maintenance of surfaces made of this material is very simple, it is resistant to mechanical damage and does not require the use of special detergents;
  • hydrophobicity – granite repels any liquids and does not absorb them. Thanks to this, there are never any stains on its surface;
  • impact resistance and wear resistance – the surface of this rock is almost impossible to damage. No chips appear on granite when it is hit, the material does not deform and is resistant to abrasion. Therefore, it is optimal for finishing rooms where a large flow of visitors is expected;
  • a wide range of colours – thanks to the peculiarities of the chemical composition of granite, it is possible to choose a shade of stone in accordance with the overall design concept.

Selection of granite steps for interior and exterior

Granite is a versatile material, so stairs made of it are perfect for both residential buildings and commercial premises. Polished granite surfaces look great in interior design. The use of glossy granite slabs creates an atmosphere of refined chic.

A rational and effective solution would be granite steps of the building’s porch. Such stairs will serve for a long time, look neat with a minimum of effect and retain their qualities in any climatic and weather conditions.

Solid and false granite steps

A solid granite step is a monolithic product designed for high intensive use. It is the best choice for premises with a high numerical load. For example, for a shopping centre, business centre, hospital, shop, etc.

A more economical option is an overhead step that is mounted on a concrete base. The main quality of granite – strength – is preserved with this option, although the wear resistance of the cladding is lower than that of a monolith. This option is good if you plan to change the design and colour scheme of the room. Old granite slabs are dismantled and replaced with new ones.

Varieties of granite steps shapes

Granite steps belong to one of three groups according to their configuration:

  • straight – stairs of a simple shape. They are the most popular and easy to install. For wide staircases, elements of unequal lengths are made to decorate them. When assembling the structure, the parts are adjusted to fit. This makes the staircase strong, avoids unnecessary costs and provides an optimal result;
  • curved stairs with linear segments – structures made of polyhedron-shaped parts. They are used for the installation of rounded stairs with a significant bending radius;
  • curved staircases with radial segments – staircases of a graceful shape with a smooth rounding in the longitudinal direction. This is the most expensive option used in the manufacture of stairs of complex shapes with a small radius of curvature. The technology of installing radial segments allows you to mask the joints well and get the effect of a monolith.

Order granite stairs from us. Budgran has been specialising in the manufacture of granite and marble products for many years and knows all the intricacies of production and installation.

We also produce and install granite slabs, curbs, countertops, skirting boards, slopes, ebbs and flows and other granite and marble products that will give your site, home or office an unsurpassed look.

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